
234: Infertility, Early Loss, Stillbirth, and Rainbows with Sarah Cox

234: Infertility, Early Loss, Stillbirth, and Rainbows with Sarah Cox

In this episode, we get to listen from a 36-year-old mother, Sarah Cox, who experienced having three living kids and has lost three children due to chemical pregnancy, early miscarriage, and stillborn. Her stillborn baby - Jasmine, lived with her until thirty-two weeks and had Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) and a Mosaic Trisomy 15. Before experiencing these pregnancies, they also struggled with infertility as well. 

A whole lot of grief that she’s gone through with the losses. Jasmine was the most hard-hitting pain for her among her early losses. Given that was five years ago already.

Grief is the storm.

Founding the Project Finding Your Rainbow, It’s like finding your rainbow after the storm but it doesn’t have to be a form of a baby. Can be – you started a new organization in honor of your baby, started a new job, it could be anything, just anyway you found hope again, found your rainbow again after going through loss. Over two and a half years now, the project has already shared 250 unique stories from all over the globe. 


You don’t have to go through it alone. The loss community is an amazing place to find support. You can always find somebody who experienced something similar to what you have. So even if you don’t have a support group, family, or friends, then definitely check out the loss community because it is amazing. You don’t have to go through it alone. And you should find support from somebody.  

So many times you don’t feel very strong. Then when you look at what you’ve been through, you ask yourself: “How did I even survive?”. Up until this point, I've survived – it's so much, it's unbelievable.

Instagram: @journeyforjasmine

Facebook: journeyforjasmine


Podcast: Finding Hope After Loss

Book: Courageously Expecting: 30 Days of Encouragement for Pregnancy After Loss by Jenny Albers

Have you felt anxiety after your child died?

The racing mind, unable to sleep, waiting for the next bad thing to happen, unable to breathe, panicky kind of anxiety, whole body riddled with anxiety?

Watch my free video on anxiety and grief below!

So that you can think clearly, feel calm in your body, and live your life without the chains of anxiety.