
134: Snapshots of Life After Loss with Gracelyn Bateman

picture of Gracelyn(female with dark hair and she's smiling) A purple cirlce with the writing: Episode 134- Snapshots of Life After Loss with Gracelyn Bateman, Grieving Moms Podcast

134: Snapshots of Life After Loss With Gracelyn Bateman

After her father’s death Gracelyn and her aunt Melody began working on a couple year project that they called Snapshots of Life After Loss. The goal of the project was to capture a variety and many different peoples grief at different moments in their lives.

I loved this conversation with Gracelyn and that I finally got to talk to her in person. We have been connected through Instagram for many years alreaday!

She shares her own journey with grief and the death of her father, and how after a few years she climbed Mount Kilamanjaro for herself and her father.

Gracelyn shares how she takes care of her own grief while in a space of talking and supporting others in grief.

She shares how each person’s story that she heard really helped her grieve her own loss, and showed her that everyone truly does grieve differently.

She also talks about the project Snapshots of Life After Loss, their book Beyond Grief, and their grief workbook that they also made!

To connect with Gracelyn and the community her and Melody have built at Snapshots of Life After Loss go check out their space!

Instagram: @snapshotsoflifeafterloss @lunapeakfoundation




Make sure you check out my free grief workshops I’m hosting over on These workshops will help you learn how to process the emotions, and deal with the anxiety that child/baby loss brings into your life.

If you like this podcast, and found it helpful, I want to invite you come check out Grieving Moms Haven, my monthly community for Grieving moms, where you can learn positive coping mechanisms, find a safe space with others who understand, and learn life long skills that support you as you learn how to carry this weight of grief in your life.

There are group coaching calls where we do guided meditations, tapping meditations, breathwork, and just talk, knowing that everyone in the group is also walking the path of child loss

You can come check out Grieving Moms Haven at